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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Forbin, are you aware that the shooter was gay and had frequented the Pulse regularly as a patron for a number of years ?

Known in the LGBT community.

Brought the guns legally in the past week despite 3 FBI investigations and a medical history of steroid abuse, which should have prevented him owning a gun.
Also Orlando is a no carry Safe Zone so so the gun rules didn't apply there.

There are a large number of facts here that the mainstream media is ignoring or not reporting at all.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
OK, intel i7, uber motherboard, DDR 4, 16 or 32 gig, etc,......

The expensive question is;
Nvidia 1080 - NZ$1399.00
Nvidia 980 Ti NZ$ 900.00
(I can get a good car for these prices)
Do check the link, it's sort of local Smile

AMD 480 NZ$ 470.00

But, allowing for some variation, the AMD 480 should perform like a Nvidia 980..........
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
No Justice Beaver posts please Smile

This is how it's really done.

Not photoshopped, here's the video'
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :GamerMuscle testing Live for Speed with the Vive:

Yup, just as good as when it was first posted in April Smile
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
E3 2016 Preview for "The Fractured but Whole"

Turn Coon and Friends into the biggest superhero franchise of all time. "South Park: The Fractured But Whole" will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC - December 6.

"I thought Civil War wasn't supposed to happen till phase 3 ?
Shut Up Super Craig !"

Pre order now for Towelie Bonus Content. Towelie, your Gaming Bud.

Voiceover: "Now available for pre-order."

Butters (sarcastic): "Yeah, everyone pre-order. That's a good idea."

Cartman: "Shut up, Butters!"
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Chose The Guardian as a source here, perhaps you'll read it. Smile

Nearly all of the highest-profile domestic terrorism plots in the United States since 9/11 featured the "direct involvement" of government agents or informants, a new report says.

And this shooting is just the same, guy worked for G4S,
"Mateen worked for the British company G4S since 2007. Throughout that time, G4S has been what people might call a private, special operations military outfit. It is said to be three times the size of the British military. In 2012, a G4S employee was charged with making a bomb threat at the Olympics. Similar bomb threats were connected to G4S in 2013 and May 2016."

The FBI investigation into him was stopped by Hillary's State Dept and all records were ordered destroyed.

His father has VERY close CIA links.
The State Department denies he (the father) met with them recently, Shame about these photo's showing him there then isn't it......

But the denial then says "he was here, but not 'really' here and he didn't talk to anyone, honest, would we lie ???............"
"Don't mention the CIA link please media, that needs to be ignored..."

And, here is the FBI confirming that he was approached by their 'informants' on multiple occasions.
"The significance of this cannot be understated. “Informants” in this context, according to FBI affidavits regarding similar counterterrorism investigations, refers to individuals posing as members of terrorist organizations who approach suspects, coerce them into planning and preparing for terrorist attacks, before finally aiding the FBI in the suspect’s arrest before the attack is finally carried out.

Among the activities these informants carry out includes providing and training suspects in the use of real explosives, providing suspects with arsenals of weapons precisely like those used in the recent shooting in Orlando Florida, and encouraging suspects to adopt “radical ideology” over the course of the investigation. Suspects are given the false impression that they are working on behalf of terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda or the self-proclaimed “Islamic State,” often cultivating delusions of grandeur among otherwise mentally ill suspects."

I'll leave the multiple gunmen/women reports that are common everywhere else in the world to someone else........

Yet another standard day in the US......
cough "Gladio B" cough

Seriously, just google G4S Smile

Armed with all this information, the big question, now that it has emerged that Mateen worked for the same company that has been tasked - under questionable circumstances - to transport illegals into the US, is whether or not this individual who swore allegiance to ISIS moments before the worst mass shooting and who was also employed by G4S for almost a decade, and who had been interviewed by the FBI three times and yet still managed to buy guns just last week, was also tasked in any way in facilitating the transport of illegal immigrants across the border, and if so, whether he helped other like-minded radical islamists enter the country.

We are confident all these questions will be addressed by the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and the government, and that the media - liberal or otherwise - will promptly follow up on these key questions.

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Probably a comment on (cue dramatic music...)

2017 Business Cat calender.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Cheapest budget wise would be Pentium 4 3.4 single core in a 775 motherboard with any faintly decent pci video card.

Run 1, or if your feeling keen, 2 gig of ram and XP. Anything of this vintage will have a license attached.
Attack the OS with an axe and shut off EVERYTHING not needed to run LFS. Smile

Yes, Linux will work too but that would need more than 1 gig of ram.

All your running is LFS, host on a decent server/PC and that would work well.

Single cores are fine if your only doing one thing. You can even upscale to Core 2 Duo but for a similar speed they are more expensive.

Easy and cheap to test this, $NZ 60 excluding monitor.

DOH !!!!!!
Just seen the age of this, still applicable though.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Of course any 'Truth' (Capital T there) about Hillary gets downplayed. The 'Game' (Capital G there) says that the Plebs are so stupid that, having elected Obama, (Seriously ?, no one wanted to hear his history ^ ???, Ostrich time there US !!!) The 'Game' says'

"How can we top that ????"

"I know, lets see if the US voters (OK, with voting fraud*) are Dumb enough to ignore every thing about Hillary and elect the criminal scum.%"

^ Don't read that, After all you have his track record (Post 2008, when this was written !!!) to prove it wrong.... Oh, it didn't ???????
% (That's actually a proven fact guys, been posted already.)
* (And so's that, just how dumb# are you guys. ????)
# (Take the fifth there guys.)

Sadly, the Onion (2008) does provide the best journalism on the subject..............
(Also, as the Onion was getting far to close to fact as a parody, they have now been brought out as they were a huge threat to the 'Game')

Anyway, for the 2 or 3 people in the US who do have a working brain, try reading this.......

".01%’s Bozo ‘democracy’: War Criminal lying Clinton v. Racist WrestleMania Trump! America’s choice: Staged fear-show for slaves OR arrests to end Wars of Aggression, bankster economics, corporate media lies, and implement OBVIOUS solutions worth $1,000,000 for each US family. Your vote, America?"

"The US 2016 presidential stage-show is not an election because 25%+ of the “votes” are from electronic “voting” machines that do not provide countable receipts. Obviously: the definition of election includes verifiable vote counting, and without that component we have to call the American system of selecting representatives something other than democracy with elections. Several videos are in this article, with Princeton and Stanford as leading universities pointing out that election fraud is the obvious motivation to produce “counting” machines that provide zero evidence of what they claim to count. Please consider this 2008 2-minute parody from The Onion as the closest documentation we have to the facts."

$$$$$$ (Seriously, I wish I could make this stuff up, I'd have a great career in comedy !!!!)

When it was revealed in January (2016) that satirical news outlet, The Onion, had been purchased by Univision Communications (which is co-owned by one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest fans, top campaign donor, and pro-Israel fanatic, Haim Saban), it was if the world suddenly held its breath to see if the move would be the outlet’s downfall.
Now, it appears we have our answer. On Tuesday, an apparent attempt at satirical understatement in actuality proved to be nothing less than a blatant propagandistic fluff piece touting Clinton’s ostensibly stellar career.

So, having provided $$$$$$ with huge evidence/facts/information. I really expect no one to care or read it, ( because thats too hard) and for Hillary to be the next leader of the ROFL ($$$FREE$$$) world.
Cus the US as a (w)hole is too retarded to care.

Why the Onion had to be silenced.........

And here's my salute to putting 'that woman', Sorry, I clearly cannot identify that criminal as a 'woman' as that is non inclusive and, with Obuma, gender is irrelevant.

So, it's really just a criminal piece of scum........
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
This is generally considered to be better than either of the first 2 (1/3rd of the season) TG episodes.

Although you should NEVER employ James May as a camera operator.
And what about Nathan ?
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Lets see who appreciates South Parks Philosophy.
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
You need to tell a grownup and they will protect you and escort you to a Safe Space......

Racer X NZ
S2 licensed


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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
FFS !!!

Here is their Farcebook link, TALK TO THEM !!!!


And try to spell 'KICKERZ' properly. Smile

15 sec on google and I can give you the link..............
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
No Name Maddox # can't stand because, like Hillary, he's in jail. This is my pick....

Don't Vote for the Lesser Evil.

Cthulhu is also the only candidate—Democrat, Republican or Other—who is more popular than Ebola, Zika and other celebrity diseases.

Politicians like Clinton and Trump pretend they do not keep an enemies list. We prefer our enemies know their torments will be unceasing once we are elected. The following are some of Those Who Will Be Eaten Last.

Curse Your Enemies
Curse your enemies! Let them know the wrath of Cthulhu will hound them at the End of Days. Guarantee that once elected, Cthulhu will eat your enemies last.
Makes a great holiday or birthday gift!
INSTRUCTIONS: Submit the name, state and city (optional Twitter handle) of your target via the “Order Notes” field at Checkout. After purchase, your enemy's name will be added to The Cursed for all to see.

Hillary Clinton, Democratic candidate for the US Presidency has been linked to racketeering, espionage, perjury and influence peddling according to the FBI.

FBI investigations revealed that The Clinton Foundation – owned by Hillary and Bill Clinton – which is a 501c organization, ie a tax-exempt non-profit company received several million dollars in donations that can not be traced back to the donors because they were funneled through a Canadian shell company.

While less than ten percent of these donations have been released to charitable organizations, $2 million of that percentage released to charity was traced back to one Julie McMahon, who is rumored to be a long-time mistress of Bill Clinton.

# (OK, he does make more sense than Hillary)
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
S23E02 Reviews; "Tonight ….I get even more shouty!" Evans deadpanned in his introductory voice-over.

But that was the only reference to the near-universal thumbs down given to last week's opening episode of the series, widely derided as a smoke-belching pile-up made worse by Evan’s hyperactivity (ratings were equally disastrous, the lowest for a Top Gear debut in over a decade).

Evans, to his credit, had dialed the bombast back and seemed vaguely conscious of the need to replace smarm with charm.

Granted, the one-liners still arrived on a stretcher and co-host Matt LeBlanc once more resembled a robot escaped from a Friends theme-park: when he laughed the eyes remained tiny and dark.......

And the public says.....

Last week some one said most only watched out of curiosity; I know I did and as my curiosity was satisfied, I did not even bother this week end of.

Replace Evans with Seasick Steve.
(Actually, given his love of cars, not a bad idea !)

Replace Top Gear with the Walking Dead. Far more entertaining..

Get rid of the ginger chimp and you might have a show.

Shouty MacShouty is such a bore and poor old Mat Blanc churning boring old jokes. Shame as Mat appears to be a nice guy and Evans ................

I forgot it was on.

I actually found this episode better than the first which was rather poor. The main problem is the continuation of the old and very tired format which is the biggest anchor around its neck.

I like Chris Evans and I like his courage to take on something as toxic as the Top Gear job and have a go, even though it would never work. I hope he doesn't take the show's failure personally. I didn't watch it this time - I saw it last week. It's a very tired format now and even the last series of the Clarkson era was illustrating that the party was over. The BBC were wrong to revive it. The canned laughter has been there since the beginning. Just watch any previous shows on YouTube and watch the audience. Jenson Button? Might as well get William Wollard back to show us around the engine bay of an Austin Allegro again (one foot on the bumper).
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Trump University Lawsuit.

Not sure why this is yet to be mentioned, but here is yet another Clinton Crime Coverup Smile

"Hillary University: Bill Clinton Bagged $16.46 Million from For-Profit College as State Dept. Funneled $55 Million Back

With her campaign sinking in the polls, Hillary Clinton has launched a desperate attack against Trump University to deflect attention away from her deep involvement with a controversial for-profit college that made the Clintons millions, even as the school faced serious legal scrutiny and criminal investigations.

In April 2015, Bill Clinton was forced to abruptly resign from his lucrative perch as honorary chancellor of Laureate Education, a for-profit college company. The reason for Clinton’s immediate departure: Clinton Cash revealed, and Bloomberg confirmed, that Laureate funneled Bill Clinton $16.46 million over five years while Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. pumped at least $55 million to a group run by Laureate’s founder and chairman, Douglas Becker, a man with strong ties to the Clinton Global Initiative. Laureate has donated between $1 million and $5 million (donations are reported in ranges, not exact amounts) to the Clinton Foundation. Progressive billionaire George Soros is also a Laureate financial backer."

I wonder why the 'media' have overlooked mentioning this ?????
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Or pigs.......

Good to see you read my post Smile
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
VR thread based, sort of....

The new AMD 480, VR capable at U$A 200/ 175 Poundings. 29 June 2016.

"Let’s say it again, because it’s borderline mind-boggling: The first Polaris-based Radeon graphics card will cost only $200, and it will deliver roughly GTX 980-level performance according to AMD."

Official burble has 'VR' 3 times in the first sentence !

"First Polaris architecture-based graphics processor to deliver premium VR capability with less than half the power consumption; expected to accelerate the size of the VR-ready install-base and dramatically increase the pace of VR ecosystem growth."

Best VR Experience.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
"While historically an Australian-designed "ute" has been a 2-door vehicle based on a passenger car chassis (such as the Holden Commodore and Ford Falcon), the term is also used in Australia and New Zealand to describe vehicles which would be called a pickup truck or truck in the rest of the world."

So now you know.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from bishtop :was having a good read until you somehow decided that saying ""Evans had brought along the staff from his local curry" is pc racism. it may be racist to say any sentence as such is offensive in any shape or form
An unfortunate choice of words, from a pro-immigration Chancellor. Perhaps George Osborne was paying homage to Rowan Atkinson’s Not the Nine O’Clock News sketch. Or perhaps the Chancellor needs to get a little better at not walking into such traps if he hopes to succeed David Cameron.

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
OOOHH LOOK, Top Gear have clearly stolen this idea from LFS.
The Rallycross track is clearly influenced by Blackwood.

"If Chris Evans didn't speak this might actually be good,"

Mind you, the rest of the show was comprised of recycled scrips so.....

"Top Gear recreating the time they all drove to Blackpool to turn the lights on," tweeted one while another pointed out that Matt's American themed car actually had a Blackpool registration number.

"Matt LeBlanc's Reliant actually has a Blackpool registration number."

In 2010, Clarkson and co raced three-wheeled Reliants in a memorable race where the cars kept tipping over, and the threesome also went to Blackpool to turn the famous lights on."

"Meanwhile, Matt's dune buggy race was also slammed as a copy after it was revealed that the former hosts also raced dune buggies in 2005."

But back to Chris........

Chris Evans reportedly swore at audience members when filming the revamped Top Gear, telling them off for their clothing choices, not being loud enough and not laughing at his jokes.

The 50-year-old presenter is said to have snapped, saying: “Don’t fold your arms, don’t wear black. Take it off – take everything off.

“Don’t fold your arms, don’t have your hands in your pockets. F***, f***, f***, f***, f***.”

It was hoped that filming of the first episode could take place “as live”, in just an hour, with Evans joking that the show’s old hosts - Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May - had been slower.

But in the end, fluffed lines, relocating audience members for different shots and retakes meant it reportedly took more than four hours to film the programme.

"The result looks like what someone who’s not a Top Gear fan THINKS Top Gear looks like. A lot of colour and noise and not much meaning."

What the new Top Gear shows us is that there was a lot more of Clarkson and co driving the individual stories and the on-camera drama than the audience ever realised. Well, now we know.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .